Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wk 1 Publishing/Leadership project part 1 of 3: Action Research

I have really enjoyed my ARP this year. It has helped keep me positive in a year that could easily have gone the opposite direction. I am a bit overwrought at all I must do to get my Action Research Project ready for submission. After looking at everything, though, I'm not as badly off as I thought I was at first.

Thinking ahead to publication... When I first heard the rumor that we would either have to publish or present, I (like most people) freaked out. I'm glad that we are just preparing it for that possibility. However, I did find the idea of presenting at a conference intriguing. I kind of like to talk and I really love my project. I looked at the TI:ME website and found that they were looking for presenters for the Ohio Music Educators Association conference for next year. The date for submission is at the end of May. I may be crazy--probably crazy--but I think that I'd like to present.

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