Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wk 4 Publishing/Leadership Project part 4 of 3: Proposing to TI:ME

The deadline for submission for the TI:ME convention is May 31st. Although I have not gotten confirmation that this will be an appropriate conference at which to present, I am going to submit a proposal anyway due to this deadline. If it is rejected by the Full Sail professors, I will find another venue. I'm not entirely sure that what I've created is the presentation that I will ultimately give. I would like to get my audience on some computers and have them navigate their way through my site. Perhaps I will ask them to complete a scavenger hunt like I did with my fourth graders. I have always been more of a "hands on" type of learner/teacher/presenter. I might even give my audience a list of possible Web 2.0 sites that they could take away with them to use to build their own website.

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