Thursday, May 13, 2010

wk 2 The Success/Failure Game

When reading chapter 4 in The Art of Possiblity I was drawn to the part about the success/failure game. I have found myself playing that game many times. Am I a good mom? Am I a good teacher? Am I a good wife? Am I a good singer? I don't want to be good I want to be the best.

It is not enough for me to think that I am good. I need validation from someone else. I find a secret glee when my students tell me that I am the best music teacher that they've ever had. Before this year, it didn't mean much--I was the only music teacher that they've every had. This year is a bit different. I am now teaching all the fourth and fifth graders in the district. That means that 3/4 of my students had a different music teacher.

I was intrigued by the idea of the I am a contribution game. This makes a whole lot more sense to me and would make life a whole lot more fun. With the success/failure game, I would never be satisfied. I would feel better about myself with the I am a contribution game.

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