Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wk 2 Comment on Therese Josephson's post

Week 2 Publishing/Leadership project Part 1 of 3: Present or Publish?

I’m going to be honest. It would have been nice to know about this requirement before Month 11. I am very pleased with my AR Project. It has done great things for my classroom, which is more important to me than any grade or recognition. All along, though, I’ve been wondering what the expectation was for a culminating presentation. It’s a little overwhelming right now to think about presenting somewhere or being published.

My initial thought was that I’d prefer to publish an article. I am much more comfortable writing than I am speaking to groups of strangers. Where would I publish? I’m not sure. I’d like to write something that will be read by music educators. I know that my project is applicable to all content areas--anyone could use a class web page to improve communication between home and school--but I’d like to help music teachers specifically see what kinds of resources they can post to help their students and parents.

But now that I’m thinking about a music teacher audience, I’m thinking that maybe I could present. There is a Wisconsin Music Teacher’s Association (WMEA) Convention every October. This could certainly be a possibility. Another idea that I thought of, one that I’m really kind of interested in pursuing, is trying to see if I could present a session at the Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance (CMP) workshop that is held in Wisconsin every summer. I have attended the workshop several times in the past few years, and I know that the participants would be a very enthusiastic and receptive audience. I would like to explore whether or not this could be an option.

So, I really haven’t decided much. I’m generally more comfortable writing, but there are some presentation options that I think I could be excited about. I will keep looking into these options so I can settle on writing or presenting very soon and actually start working on my project.

I think these last two months are going to be one heck of a wild ride.Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1 Comment Manage Comments for this Entry
Kelly McKinley
I agree with you, Therese. These next two months are really going to be tough. It will be interesting to see how we fit it all in!

I'm having the same difficulty deciding what to do with this project. I agree, presenting or writing for music teachers would be a good idea for you. I don't see a lot of music teachers taking advantage of this form of parent/teacher/student communication in the way that other teachers do. I'm not sure why. Maybe it is because they feel that because of the performance piece to their subject, they are already communicating with parents? I'm not sure.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 04:56 AM

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