Sunday, May 23, 2010

wk 4 Getting a new principal!!!!

Sadly, due to the failure of the levy and the impending state takeover, we have been losing some very good people to other districts. Two of our principals found jobs elsewhere. We just got the news this week that our principal will be moving to the Jr. High and we will be getting a new principal next year. After much speculation, we finally found out who our new principal will be and we are all very excited. I had worked with her for several years when I taught at the elementary school and she was a great teacher. They then promoted her to the position of assistant principal and then, after two years in that position, she was promoted to principal of one of the other elementary buildings. She is a fabulous principal.


  1. Kelly, I’m really glad to hear that you have some good news for next year! I know you’ve experienced some setbacks with budget and facilities and lack of community support, and that really can be demoralizing. It’s enough of a challenge to be awesome for every student in every class period of every school day without having additional challenges imposed upon you.

    I’ve enjoyed seeing the progress of your action research over the past year, and I know that you’re a fantastic teacher. I hope that your new principal will help and support you in continuing the great work that you’re doing with your students.

    Good luck, and best wishes!

  2. Kelly,
    I am so glad to hear that you are getting a new principal that you are excited about! It is about time that you and your school got some good news! My school is also getting a new principal next year. It is going to be an assistant principal from one of the other high schools in the district. I know he is very well liked, and I am interested to see what he will bring to our school. We will have to compare notes throughout this next year to see how everything goes. I know that no matter what, you will continue to be an amazing teacher!
